On Wednesday, May 7, 2025, join us for Academy Prep Center of Tampa's inaugural
King Cobra Chess Extravaganza!
Chess plays a significant role in our curriculum and school culture at Academy Prep. Discover why chess is crucial to our students' achievements and explore other unique aspects of our middle school education
by taking on one of our student pros in a match!
All proceeds support our Student Scholarship Fund! Explore sponsorship opportunities at different levels, including individual tickets. By becoming a King sponsor, you empower a student with a partial scholarship for the school year. Your contributions directly impact our student's education!
To learn more about sponsorship opportunities click here!
Tickets are available at $32 per person
For sponsorship inquiries or to RSVP, please contact
Alison Lescarbeau, Director of Advancement, at
813.248.5600 x1138 or alescarbeau@academyprep.org